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Twitch Prime members, get a Golden Classic Card pack in Hearthstone!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There’s more precious plunder coming for Prime members! Starting now, Twitch Prime members will find a gleaming Golden Classic Card Pack* waiting for them in Prime Loot. Every card in this special card pack will be golden! Harth’s gonna lose his mind when you open this one! If you’re not a Twitch Prime member, you can sign up for a free trial at

If you don’t have Twitch Prime yet, you can link your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account. No Amazon Prime account? No worries, just sign up for a free trial!

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Of course, you’ll also get all the other benefits that come with Prime — including special Prime Loot for Hearthstone and other Blizzard games!

Offer valid only in regions where Twitch Prime is available. Must own Hearthstone to redeem. Golden Card pack contains Classic cards. These packs use the new pack opening rules regarding duplication protection, but will otherwise have an independent chance of containing Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary cards unrelated to any special rules (such as a guaranteed Legendary within 10 packs) nor other Hearthstone Sets, including Classic. Each Blizzard account may only redeem one code per promotional item.

What is Twitch Prime?

Twitch Prime is a new premium experience on Twitch that is included with Amazon Prime. Benefits include monthly in-game loot, ad-free viewing on Twitch, a channel subscription every 30 days AND all the benefits of being a prime member. See all the Twitch Prime benefits here.

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Check out the full list of Amazon Prime benefits in: US, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Italy and Spain. You can try it for free for 30 days right here, and when you do, you get all the Twitch Prime benefits instantly just by linking your Twitch account to your Amazon account.

Prime Now
One and two-hour delivery on tens of thousands of items from Amazon and local stores. Check out Prime Now.

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Written by blogdottv

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