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Top 10 advanced Raspberry Pi projects

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A robotic beast

A serious robot, the DiddyBorg (£220 / $299) is diddy in name only and a true Raspberry Pi automated monster. Program it, remote-control it, or just have it sitting pretty in your workshop. Your choice.

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PiGrrl 2

DIY handheld gaming

We’ve covered this project in a previous issue of The MagPi, but this project deserves mentioning again: with some 3D-printed parts, and some ingenious Adafruit PCB parts, you too can make a handheld console (£56 / $60).

Retro-cool at home

This big build by Bob Clagett is incredibly thorough, and shows you how to build a wooden arcade cabinet from scratch, complete with lights and cool art.

Pinball table

High score mania

If an arcade machine is a bit too new for you, how about something a bit more classic and physical like a pinball table? This one repurposes an old bed.

Raspberry Pi classic

This kind of project is a classic among the community, especially as the mirror software part is so easily done. Building a frame is quite fun and a great first-time carpentry project.

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Take Raspberry Pi anywhere

This tiny laptop project allows you to bring your Raspberry Pi with you wherever you want to go, and do some work while you’re there.

Home assistant

Voice-controlled computer

A number of big voice services are available on Raspberry Pi. Alexa is one of the easiest to get onto Raspberry Pi, thanks to the excellent AlexaPi software.

Scan your friends

This big project is great for showing off at your local Raspberry Jam or maker event. It takes a lot of Raspberry Pi boards and cameras to create the project, but it does capture impressive 3D scans.

3D printer controller

Futuristic plastic printing

Have a new 3D printer? How about interfacing it with Raspberry Pi using the amazing OctoPrint? It’s especially helpful if you think of something cool to print while on the go.

Smart CCTV system

Recognise your visitors

CCTV cameras with Raspberry Pi are not too difficult to put together. We like this project as it uses computer vision and face detection to recognise known people as well.

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Learn to program

Got the tools and the skills to raise a barn and then some, but lacking the ability to print ‘Hello World’? Take a look at our books on controlling electronics with Python and GPIO Zero and learning C.

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Written by tmedia

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