The PS4 has reached a new sales milestone. Sony announced in its latest earnings report that the console shifted 3.2 million consoles during the quarter ended July 31, which pushes the system’s life-to-date shipment tally to more than 82 million units. This is up from 79 million units shipped that Sony announced for the previous reporting period.
The 3.2 million PS4s that Sony shipped during the quarter represents a slight downturn from the same period last year when Sony shipped 3.3 million PS4 systems. Looking ahead, Sony is predicting it will ship 17 million units during the current fiscal year, which is up from its previous forecast of 16 million units. Whatever the case, PS4 sales are expected to fall year-over-year, as Sony shipped 19 million PS4s during the previous fiscal year. Recently, Sony said the PS4 was entering the end of its lifecycle.

Sony’s video game division, Game & Network Services, saw sales rise 36 percent to 472.1 billion yen. Sony said it attributes the uptick in sales to strong PS4 game sales. Sony’s God of War, as well as „other third-party titles,“ performed well, „significantly exceeding expectations.“
God of War launched back in April and became the PS4’s fastest-selling exclusive game ever. Sony added that it received „strong feedback“ for the games it announced at E3, though it did not mention any by name.
Business is good for PlayStation right now, but the company is taking something of a PR hit as it continues to prevent the PS4 from allowing cross-play with other consoles. For lots more on this subject, you can check out GameSpot’s new video feature above.
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