The Real Deal Simualtor:
If you want to buy your own, here you can do so:
Description from the website:
FO side of the Panel A320 Desktop is now available in option !
It functions with only one external computer and can be connected easily with only 4 cables ! 3 USB, 1 network cable RJ-45 and 2 sectors cables 220v/(110v).
A true Plug & Play panel !!!!
Datasheet available here !
Included in the price:
1- 2 computers integrated in the MIP (for flight instrument and avionics)
2- Instrumentation managment program « ProSim A320 » and all complete scripts ! (for private/non-commercial use only)
3- FSUIPC software and others
4- Complete captain pedestal with motorized throttle included !
5- Complete captain sidestick and tiller console
6- Complete A320 FWD overhead with its bracket
7- Complete MIP with instruments screens and all functional buttons
8 – Complete documentation (French and English manuals)
9 – Some A320 starting procedures
10- All cables and screws
11- Internal network card included and must be installed by you.
12- Panel A320 Desktop configuration at home ! (Remote support)
13- Follow-up and unlimited after-sales service to the customer !*
14- Web interface to manage plane weight/fuel/doors and failures
(* See License agreement et sale agreement !) Note: The TV screen and rudder pedals are not included !In other way :
1) You order and receive the Panel A320 Desktop Captain
2) You mount the Panel on your desktop with its Overhead, pedestal and sidestick console
3) You run installation CD on your computer (15 minutes)
4) You fly !!!!
5) No apparent cables !
Official Source: