Today is Easter Monday and as such, the drawbridge is up at Pi Towers. So while we spend time with family…too much chocolate…family and chocolate, here are some great Pi-themed videos from members of our community. Enjoy!
Eggies live stream!
Bluebird Birdhouse
Raspberry Pi and NoIR camera installed in roof of Bluebird house with IR LEDs. Currently 5 eggs being incubated.
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Doctor Who TARDIS doorbell
Raspberry pi Tardis
Raspberry pi Tardis doorbell
Google AIY with Tech-nic-Allie
Ok Google! AIY Voice Kit MagPi
Allie assembles this Google Home kit, that runs on a Raspberry Pi, then uses the Google Home to test her space knowledge with a little trivia game. Stay tuned at the end to see a few printed cases you can use instead of the cardboard.
Buying a Coke with a Raspberry Pi rover
Buy a coke with raspberry pi rover
Mission date : March 26 2018 My raspberry pi project. I use LTE modem to connect internet. python programming. raspberry pi controls pi cam, 2servo motor, 2dc motor. (This video recoded with gopro to upload youtube. Actually I controll this rover by pi cam.
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Raspberry Pi security camera
🔴How to Make a Smart Security Camera With Movement Notification – Under 60$
I built my first security camera with motion-control connected to my raspberry pi with MotionEyeOS. What you need: *Raspberry pi 3 (I prefer pi 3) *Any Webcam or raspberry pi cam *Mirco SD card (min 8gb) Useful links : Download the motioneyeOS software here ➜ How to do it: – Download motioneyeOS to your empty SD card (I mounted it via Etcher ) – I always do a sudo apt-upgrade & sudo apt-update on my projects, in the Pi.
Happy Easter!
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