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Even Sony’s PlayStation Headquarters Isn’t Safe from the Spider-Man Hype

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Sony has been splashing the cash on the marketing for Marvel’s Spider-Man, with everything from murals popping up across the world to a fully decked out subway train in New York City. However, this next example may be the best yet in showing the platform holder’s confidence in, and dedication to, Insomniac’s PS4 exclusive.

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This image, which comes courtesy of SIEA’s Social Media Manager Justin Massongill, shows the American HQ of PlayStation all webbed up with an awesome advertisement. Sony clearly knows it has a big seller on its hands, and is going to all lengths to keep Spider-Man on people’s minds. We’re expecting this to be a huge hit when it launches in just a few short days.

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Are you hyped up for Marvel’s Spider-Man? Get your Spidey senses tingling in the comments below.

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Written by Thomas Schäfer

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