Welcome back for another exciting week of Digital Making at Home from the Raspberry Pi Foundation! Get ready to keep the coding going, and if you’re joining us for the first time, we’re so thrilled to have you!
All of the stories you sent us from across the world last week were not only super creative, they were really uplifting as well. Great job, digital makers! The best part of this for us is seeing what you create, so please keep sharing your projects with us.
Our new theme this week is a complete joke… because we want you to make us laugh!
Welcome to Digital Making at Home: Make us laugh
Find out more about Digital Making at Home at http://rpf.io/home Find more digital making projects at http://rpf.io/projects Find out more about the #Raspber…
Make us laugh this week
Laughter makes a world of difference, and what better way for us all to connect as a global community than by sharing a good laugh together! Just like coding, laughter is a universal language. So this week, we challenge you to make us laugh (or even LOL!). Ask yourself what jokes and tricks you think are funny and then let that guide you while you create your digital making project.
We like to think that we’re a funny bunch at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, so in case you need help with where to begin your project, we share a few tricks of our own in this week’s code-along videos:
Beginner level
Join Mark and his sidekick Zac to find out how to use Scratch and your webcam to make fun photo filters and digital props that will have us rolling on the floor laughing.
Digital Making at Home – ScratchChat filters (beginner)
Go to the free project guide: http://rpf.io/dm-filters Find out more about Digital Making at Home at http://rpf.io/home Provide feedback on this video: https…
If you love this video, also check out Mr C’s extra video about how to turn yourself into a ‘Deal with it’ meme in Scratch.
Go to the brand new and free project guide (available in 14 languages).
Intermediate level
Christina shows you how to use Scratch, Raspberry Pi, and LEDs together to make a unicorn dance.
Digital Making at Home – Dancing unicorn (intermediate)
Go to the free project guide: http://rpf.io/dm-unicorn Find out more about Digital Making at Home at http://rpf.io/home Provide feedback: https://docs.google…
Go to the free project guide (available in 12 languages).
Advanced level
Try not to giggle while Marc explains how to create your own meme generator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript!
Digital Making at Home – Meme generator (advanced)
Go to the free project guide: http://rpf.io/dm-meme-gen Find out more about Digital Making at Home at http://rpf.io/home Provide Feedback on this video: http…
Go to the free project guide (available in 17 languages).
Share your funny project with us!
We really, really loved the stories you all sent us last week, so please share your hilarious projects with us this week. We truly do hope that you love getting creative with Digital Making at Home, and if you have the time, please tell us your feedback!
We’re looking forward to all the laughs this week!
PS: Don’t forget that you have access to all of our resources for free, forever! Go to www.raspberrypi.org/donate if you want to join the amazing people and organisations whose donations make this possible.
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