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Build your own classic games console in The MagPi #95

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Migration Museum

A museum celebrating the diversity of London’s residents comes to life when visitors linger near its artefacts. The Room To Breathe interactive displays are the handiwork of Chris Owens and his colleagues from  Clay Interactive. Just one of the many incredible community projects that use Raspberry Pi to make the world a better place.

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Pi Commander

The 1980s was a golden era for imaginative electronic toys. Adrien Castel has taken a Sky Fighter F-16 game and turned it into a micro Raspberry Pi-powered arcade machine.

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Build a DOS Emulation system

Use the powerful DOSBox-X emulator to boot Raspberry Pi to DOS and run anything from Windows 3.11 to classic games. The extra oomph of the 4GB or 8GB edition of Raspberry Pi 4 provides plenty of power for emulating classics of the past.

Helene Virolan interview

Helene Virolan and her daughter Avye Couloute are two incredibly important people in the maker community, making huge steps to help young girls explore an interest in STEM.

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Written by tmedia

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