We’ve all been there. It’s the end of a long day, you’re looking to kick back, unwind and watch a movie. You start endlessly scrolling through the thousands upon thousands of available titles. Do you dive into “The Godfather,” “Citizen Kane,” or any of the other hundreds of Hollywood classics? Or maybe you lean towards a more modern, big budget superhero flick?
Well, if you’re like me you’re not looking for the classics, you’re looking for the best of the worst. I’m talking about bad movies. The so-bad-they’re-good movies. The movies that look like they were directed by an alien who has never seen an actually film. Bottom of the barrel schlock. You know, the good stuff!

While making our previous Xbox One title, Freedom Finger, me and my lead developer Mark Zorn discovered that we share a love of these cinematic outcasts, and during the long tedious hours of QA, it felt like these bad movies were the only thing keeping us sane.
And the only thing better than watching a bad movie, is making fun of them. Adding your own quips, one-liners, and running commentary. Certainly if you’re a fan of “Mystery Science Theater 3000,” “RiffTrax,” or “Cinematic Titanic” you’re no stranger to the subculture that has been born from this late night pastime.

When it came time to think about our next game, the idea of creating a party game where dunking on bad movies is the game, well, that felt like a no-brainer. And so, What The Dub?! was born.
What The Dub?! is a multiplayer party game where each player overdubs missing dialogue from hilariously awful B-movies, woefully outdated PSAs, and bizarre industrial films, with their own witty (or just plain stupid) dubs. Their dubs are then pitted against those of other players in a head-to-head clash of comedy. The players – along with up to 6 audience members – then vote for their favorite dub!

We also wanted players to be able to hear their witty quips live, so all your replacement dubs are played back seamlessly within the movie clips using text-to-speech. You can even insert sound effects to really sell the brilliance of your dub.
With over 300 movie clips to play with, What The Dub?! takes “bad movie night” and expands it into an interactive, fast-paced, multiplayer game that friends and family, both local and afar, can enjoy together.

What The Dub?! supports up to 12 players and while local play is always ideal, we know it’s not always possible. Luckily, streaming from your Xbox One is incredibly easy and getting connected is only a few clicks away. Speaking of easy, we wanted to make entering your dubs simple and straightforward. In game, players can use any browser enabled device to enter text, add sound effects, and vote. No controller needed.
The best part? What The Dub?! is available today! We couldn’t be more excited to share it with you all. So, the next time you’re on the lookout for a bad movie – instead grab a copy of What The Dub?!, invite a few friends, and indulge yourself in cinema’s most spectacular failures. It’s the best worst time money can buy.

What The Dub?!
Wide Right Interactive, llc
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