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We’re Giving Away PS4 Closed Beta Codes For Defiance 2050

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

We’re giving away 1,000 Closed Beta codes for Defiance 2050 on PS4 (North America only). In Defiance 2050’s version of San Francisco, players are transported to a dynamic open world where they can explore and fight in skirmishes and story-driven missions on an epic scale.

Entry is open to North America only on PS4. For worldwide codes on Xbox One, go here.

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Closed Beta starts now and ends Monday, April 30 at 10:00 AM PDT.

Enter below (you’ll receive an email within 30 minutes):

More about the game:

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In Defiance 2050’s version of San Francisco, players are transported to a dynamic open world where they can explore and fight in skirmishes and story-driven missions on an epic scale. Players will engage in massive cooperative battles with their friends, utilize hundreds of distinct weapons and skills, and take on huge alien threats as they explore transformed futuristic environments. Defiance 2050 recreates the original game from the ground up to be representative of the current generation of consoles. From updated textures to improved resolutions and framerates, Defiance 2050 is a marked improvement over the original Defiance. Defiance 2050 is more than just a simple graphical remaster, as the game’s systems have gotten major improvements to create the definitive version of the game. Today’s consoles and PCs enable the dev team to implement features and upgrades that fans of the game have been clamoring for, while advancements in hardware allow for action on an even larger scale than before, with more players able to take to the battlefield in white-knuckled combat.

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Written by blogdottv

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