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Viveport Subscription Member Deals are here!

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Are you a Viveport Subscription member? You can save this weekend on Prison Boss VR plus The Gallery Parts 1 and 2!

Subscribe to Viveport Subscription before March 22nd for best value

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With over 375 titles now available in Viveport Subscription, the monthly price is increasing on March 22nd. (If you’re an existing subscriber, or subscribe before March 22nd, you’ll continue to pay your current rate until at least the end of 2018. More details here.)

As well as getting you access to hundreds of VR titles, Viveport Subscription members now enjoy exclusive access to our Weekend Deals, and also will regularly receive free game and app codes with the first one coming to your inbox this weekend, so look out for it!

Those weekend deals start now, so we thought we’d show you what’s on offer. (Not a subscriber? Sign up now for free and yep, you’ll get access to these deals immediately.)

Prison Boss VR – 70% off for Viveport Subscription members

Prison is no joke – but Prison Boss VR at least makes it bearable! In this frantic crafting game by Trebuchet, you’ll start your own ‘cell business’ right under the eye of the watchful guards. Keep your crafting going at night, but watch out for the patrols and make sure you’re not seen running your business. With true room-scale gameplay, 4 prisons and over 80 jobs to complete, you’ll be ‘doing serious time’ when playing Prison Boss VR.

Get Prison Boss VR for 70% off right now!

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The Gallery: Episode 1 – Call of the Starseed – 60% off for Viveport Subscription members

If you’ve missed out on The Gallery, you’ve missed out on the special experience delivered by Cloudhead Games. Inspired by 80s dark fantasy movies, this is a groundbreaking VR adventure where you’ll journey to a forgotten world to find your missing sister.

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Truly a made-for-VR experience, The Gallery will have you moving all around your play space as you explore and solve puzzles in your quest. Hours of adventure await!

Get The Gallery: Episode 1 for 60% off right now!

The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone – 20% off for Viveport Subscription members

Picking up right where Call of the Starseed left off, Heart of the Emberstone ups the stakes to make the adventure truly intergalactic! Without spoiling the story let’s just say you’ll travel a long, long way to complete another set of fiendish puzzles in this celebrated sequel that truly cements Cloudhead Games as masters of their craft. 

Get The Gallery – Episode 2 for 20% off right now!

Remember – these individual discounts are Member Perks, so you’ll need to be a Viveport Subscription member to get them. Not already subscribed? Sign up now and get access to these deals, as well as getting to choose 5 titles a month from over 375 VR titles!

Website: LINK

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Written by blogdottv

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