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This smart diaper knows when it is ready to be changed

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The traditional method for changing a diaper starts when someone smells or feels the that the diaper has been soiled, and while it isn’t the greatest process, removing the soiled diaper as soon as possible is important for avoiding rashes and infections. Justin Lutz has created an intelligent solution to this situation by designing a small device that alerts people over Bluetooth® when the diaper is ready to be changed.

Because a dirty diaper gives off volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and small particulates, Lutz realized he could use the Arduino Nicla Sense ME’s built-in BME688 sensor which can measure VOCs, temperature/humidity, and air quality. After gathering 29 minutes of gas and air quality measurements in the Edge impulse Studio for both clean and soiled diapers, he trained a classification model for 300 epochs, resulting in a model with 95% accuracy.

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Based on his prior experience with the Nicla Sense ME’s BLE capabilities and MIT App Inventor, Lutz used the two to devise a small gadget that wirelessly connects to a phone app so it can send notifications when it’s time for a new diaper.

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To read more about this project, you can check out Lutz’s write-up here on the Edge Impulse docs page.

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The post This smart diaper knows when it is ready to be changed appeared first on Arduino Blog.

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Written by Quad Oner


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