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This year, our favorite made-up holiday, Amazon Prime Day, takes place July 15 & 16. To celebrate, Twitch is hosting our very own live shopping show on /twitchpresents that promises to be unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed…but, like, in a good way. It’s called Twitch Sells Out: A Prime Day Special Event, and it starts July 15 at 10am PT.
We’ve gone through every single item on sale for Prime Day and curated the best of the best for the Twitch Community. During two, twelve-hour broadcasts — one on July 15 from 10am to 10pm PT; the second on July 16 at the same time — dozens of your favorite Twitch streamers will be showcasing deals on everything from games and gaming peripherals, to kitchenware and electronics. They’ll also dive into previously unseen demos and gameplay of some of the most anticipated releases of the year. And you can buy or pre-order it all instantly on stream. We’ll even shine the spotlight on some of Prime Day’s more…unusual items for sale. You’ll just have to tune in to see what we mean.
Twitch Prime is all you need
To get in on all the incredible deals, you’ll need to have Prime, so make sure you’re all signed up or take a free trial before the big day so you don’t miss any of the featured sales. Some of them will only be available for a limited time, so if you’re busy signing up you may miss out. And don’t forget, you’ll also get a free channel subscription plus tons of other Twitch and Amazon benefits when you sign up.You can start a free trial RIGHT NOW by clicking here.
Co-stream the show with us
Because we want everyone to celebrate Prime Day with us, co-streaming will be enabled for the entirety of Twitch Sells Out. So feel free to add your own commentary to the items we’re featuring. The Blacksmith Extension, an interactive on-screen overlay with links to purchase the products, will be in ‘Live Event Mode’ so if you’re a Partner or Affiliate, make sure you enable it on your channel to get a share of the revenue for any product or Prime sign-up sold through your channel. Want to know more about Blacksmith and how to set it up on your channel? Head on over to this handy blog post that talks about just that.
Who’s hosting?
Some amazing Twitch streamers will be joining us to host and participate in Twitch Sells Out. (They’re all currently locked in a windowless room watching an almost unhealthy amount of infomercials to get ready.) We can’t name names just yet, but we can promise that many of your favorites will be involved. We’ll be announcing the full list of who’s participating on July 10.
- Werbung -
What else is happening for Prime Day?
Twitch Sells Out is just one way to get involved this Prime Day and in fact there’s a whole lot more in store for Prime members. Here’s some of what you can expect:
Twitch merch is on sale! Prime members, take 30% off your entire Twitch Merch purchase from July 3 to July 16. Enter promo code: PRIME2019 at checkout. Shop at the store right here.
Bonus Bits!We’re throwing in 10% more Bits when you Cheer ten or more with the BleedPurple Cheermote in any affiliate or partner channel.*
In-game content and a celebrity-filled live streaming event for both Apex Legends and EA Sports. Click here for more details.
*This is a limited time offer. Offer begins on July 10, 2019 and expires on July 16, 2019 at 11:59PM PT. Offer is subject to all Twitch terms and policies, including the Bits Acceptable Use Policy. Twitch reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time.