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This ‘crazy’ spectrum analyzer visualizes tunes with four Arduinos and 504 LEDs

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This ‘crazy’ spectrum analyzer visualizes tunes with four Arduinos and 504 LEDs

Arduino TeamJuly 26th, 2020

Spectrum analyzers are a great way to visualize music, and “TUENHIDIY” came up with an interesting take on this device using not one, but four Arduino Unos.

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Each board receives the same sound input via a 3.5mm audio jack, and separately processes it to break out the left and right channels, as well as upper and lower frequency ranges using fast Fourier transforms, or FFTs.

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36 different bands are shown on four LoL Shields, with each 9×14 Charliexplexed LED matrix attached to an Uno, for a total of up to 504 individual points of light. Everything is put together on an acrylic plate, and powered by a portable USB battery.

TUENHIDIY is quick to note that it’s a “crazy project,” but as seen in the video below, it looks like a lot of fun!

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Written by Quad Oner


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