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Last year the NBA G League brought real-life professional hoops to Twitch for the first time. Basketball fans watched the game’s rising stars dazzle on the hardwood and many streamers co-streamed the broadcasts to their communities with their commentary and play-by-play. Even more used the official NBA G League Extension to make picks and take home bragging rights. This year the NBA G League is back on Twitch and there’s more of everything.
Co-streaming the games
This season, NBA G League games will air every Friday and Saturday from February 8 through March 23 on /nbagleague. That’s where you can tune in to watch the games with their original audio and play-by-play. But, this is Twitch and watching isn’t enough. That’s why co-streaming is enabled for every single game and everyone is invited to give it a spin. (For those who haven’t tried it yet, co-streaming is a great way to connect streamers with their communities around things they love. Streamers can put their unique spin on a broadcast other than what they normally stream to create a novel experience for everyone.) If you’re a streamer and want to give co-streaming a try, you can find a commentary-free broadcast to use on your co-stream at /nbagleaguecostreams.
Official G League Extension
You can also get in the game with the new and improved official G League Extension. It’ll let you view stats during games, earn points for tuning in and earn even more points when you ‘boost’ players you think will fill the stat sheet, and this year you can earn points as a community to rep your favorite co-streamer on the leaderboard. You’ll also get the chance to vote on the Twitch MVP of every match who will be interviewed on the court after the game.
Where to watch
You can watch the original broadcast at /nbagleague, or you can choose to watch Twitch Partners and Affiliates who are planning on co-streaming the NBA G League this year. So, if you’re looking for a more unique take on the action or just want to enjoy the game with a community you’re a part of, take a look at who’s co-streaming this week’s games:
Friday, February 8: Rio Grande V. vs South Bay at 7pm PT