The Torchlight series has always been known for its great gear and Torchlight III is no exception. In this blog, we’ll dive into the world of Armor & Weapons in Torchlight III, so that you can be better prepared for combat.

How to Collect Gear
Gear can be found in a variety of ways throughout the frontier; slaying enemies, opening boss chests, gambling from the town vendors, unlocking Contract rewards, and busting up the environment are all great ways to collect new armor and weapons.
Pro Gear Tip: Some weapons can only be found in the end game Challenge Dungeons while others can only be found by the highest level characters. There is even gear specific to each Act!

Weapons come in Common (white), Magic (green) Rare (blue) and Legendary (orange). You can find all rarities at any level as you play throughout the game, but of course Legendaries are the most rare type of gear to acquire.

Class Specific Items
Some Gear is only available to specific classes. The Forged class, being the only robot, is the only one who can only equip the Hatch, Chest Gun, and Locomotion. The Sharpshooter can use Bows, the Railmaster wields the Railhammer, and the Dusk Mage can duel with the Digitus.
Gear can come equipped with multiple added benefits known as “affixes”. These bonus buffs increase your gears abilities and powers and are randomly rolled when gear drops. Legendary items have set affixes in addition to the random ones, making them extra special and powerful. Storyline Acts and Challenge Dungeons are also associated with specific damage types and debuffs which enemies will use on you, so you may want to store up different sets for different situations.

Storing Gear
Once you unlock your fort, you can store gear in it with a variety of obtainable storage decorations known as ‘Wardrobes’. These allow you to easily swap between gear sets and shows off your stash to those who may wander through.

Area Scaling
Your gear will scale depending on the area you are in. This will help you navigate other areas of the world or join your friends on their adventures regardless of your or your gear’s level.
Legendarium Skills
Once you have found a Legendary item, you will unlock its unique affix in the Legendarium skill menu. You can equip up to three of these when fully leveled up. All new characters also come with five starting Legendarium affix skills to choose from.

Lifebound Scrolls
Lifebound Scrolls can be found randomly during your travels and can permanently increase your gear’s basic stats by 20% (that’s a lot!), but Lifebound items are lost if the character dies, so be sure you’re ready to risk it all in the chase for power. Lifebound scrolls cannot be used on Legendary items.

Once you reach end-game you will start to find gear with 1-2 available enchanting slots. Use your Enchanter’s Altar to break down unwanted gear for Essence and collect recipes on the frontier to fill your library of possible enchantments. Enchant your gear to improve its power in combat, but buyer beware, it costs gold to remove enchants from your items so choose carefully.

Pet Gear
Because we couldn’t leave our pets vulnerable, you can collect gear for your fuzzy friends too! You can find and equip a collar and two tags to increase your pet’s potential.
Speaking of pets, while many Glittersprites exist in the world, this version is only available to Xbox players. This Magic rarity of pet will be available to each new character you create so you will never be without your new found faerie follower.

More Gear to Come!
More gear will become available to players post-launch, so Torchlight III recommends following their Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and Discord for the latest gear-related updates.

Torchlight III
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