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Although colorFabb now offers a PETG material in an economy package, the filament producer’s XT line offers similar durability while also being easy to print. We ended up testing the XT_Black alongside the other participating PETG filament. The colorFabb_XT co-polyester range is made with Amphora polymers from Eastman Chemical Company, which helps make materials more functional, durable, and efficient.
We found that the colorFabb material finished in the middle of the pack both visually and mechanically. The 3DBenchy we printed with this material did well with bridging and overall quality, but still had a few flaws, particularly with overhangs. The black color provides a sleek look and hides a few of the discrepancies within the print.
During the tensile testing, the colorFabb_XT was able to sustain 644 N (~65 kg) of controlled tension. While the material failed to finish at the top in the visual or mechanical runoff, it still turned out to be an adequate option as a filament that satisfies both categories.
Print Settings
Print temperature: 250 C
Bed temperature: 65 C
Using Eastman Amphora 3D polymer, colorFabb has created their own brand of PETG: colorFabb_XT. This material offers a nice balance of mechanical strength and visual appeal, and comes in a sleek black color.
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Makeshaper PETG (Best Budget)
If cost is the number one factor playing into your PETG filament shopping spree, you might want to take a look at Makershaper PETG. Currently priced at $24 (for 1kg spool), this dark green material provides decent quality without breaking the bank.
During the tensile testing, the Makeshaper PETG showcased mediocre strength, withstanding 541 N (~55 kg) of force before buckling under pressure. Compared to some of the other PETG materials, these results were a tad bit disappointing. However, this dark green filament did perform quite adequately on the visual test, arguably making it worth its low retail price.
- Werbung -
While we found that there are stronger and more visually appealing options on the market, this PETG is among the most affordable out there.
Print Settings
Print temperature: 245 C
Bed temperature: 70 C
This PETG filament from Makeshaper is the most affordable of the bunch, giving you a chance to experiment with PETG without making a dent in your wallet.
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Verbatim PET
We also tested the clear and transparent Verbatim PET material. While the 3DBenchy came out nearly flawless, this material was surprisingly a bit lackluster in the mechanical test. The carabiner started to undergo deformation at around 484N (~49 kg).
Verbatim PET – Transparent
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rigid.ink PETG
Lastly, we also attempted to print with rigid.ink’s Blue PET-G material, but unfortunately faced quality control issues during the visual test. The filament itself offers a unique and rich color, but we got a glaring amount of ripples, echoes, and overhangs in our Benchy models.