How many of you have woken up grumpy from being snored at all night? Or maybe you’re the snorer whose sleep is interrupted by being elbowed in the ribs to get you to stop. Not only does snoring keep your partner awake, it also affects the quality of your own sleep, even though you might not realise it.
Bryan and Brayden Staley think they’ve come up with a solution: a wearable hearing support device and a Raspberry Pi work together to send the wearer a haptic signal when they start snoring, which soothes them and disrupts the cycle.
Wristwear stops you snoring
The wearable device that this project hinges on is the Neosensory Buzz. Worn on the wrist, it helps people with hearing difficulties pick up on things like doorbells, alarms, and even their name being called.
Working alongside the Buzz bracelet is a sound inference base, which consists of a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and a Seeed ReSpeaker. The sound inference base picks up and classifies audio, and specifically recognises snoring. Once it detects a certain number of snoring events, it sends a sinusoidal signal to the Buzz bracelet, and continues until audio level falls below the snoring threshold.
GitHub repos
- ss-app (provides the utilities used to build up a Raspberry Pi from scratch to perform audio classification)
- neosensory-python-sdk (a Python package for interacting with neosensory products)
- YAMNet (a pretrained deep net that predicts audio event classes)

Does it actually stop snoring?
Snoring was down by 56% on the nights this project was tested, even though it’s still in the development stage. We like those figures!
Special shout out to developer Brayden, who is just 13 years old. This is his second auditory project, according to his Hackster profile.
Website: LINK