Just in case you didn’t know, a remake of Soul Calibur II with online functions is currently in the works for PS3 and 360 and expected to release later this autumn. Here below you will find the first gameplay video of it, courtesy of Namco Bandai.
SOULCALIBUR II HD Online is still in development and the video is compressed in order to fit the youtube format. The image quality here does NOT reflect the final quality of the game.
Gameplay Video N°1: Nightmare VS Mitsurugi
- Werbung -Here is the first Gameplay Video starring Nightmare and Mitsurugi, played by top French community members (DTN & Mark Nikil). As a reminder DTN is the winner of the EVO 2k3 on SoulCalibur II. Mark Nikil is his brother, his coach and his eternal rival.
Platforms: Playstation 3 & Xbox 360
Published by: Namco Bandai
Developed by: Project Soul
Genre: Fighting
Release Date:
US: Q4/2013
EU: Q4/2013
Official Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9V3HMsNLmNk