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Skywind – ‚Savagery‘ Official Trailer Looking Fantastic
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Reading Time: < 1 minute

The team behind Skywind, a fan project aimed at transferring Morrowind to the SKyrim engine, have released another trailer. Thanks, guys. Not like I needed the extra sense of longing.


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A sneak peak at the latest DEVELOPER update. Footage shown in this video, for the most part, is not available for public release and is just a preview of what is to come in the next public update. Most of the new landscapes and creatures included in this update have been shown. I apologize for a few glitchy scenes and creature behaviors. Don’t ask for a release date please, there isn’t one at the moment. Leave all comments and feedback in the comments below. Thanks everyone for your support so far, more videos to come soon!

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What do you think?

Written by blogdottv

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