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Share of the Week: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last week, we sent you to India’s Western Ghats to create stunning shares from Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. While you helped Chloe and Nadine search for the Golden Tusk of Ganesh, you shared your best shots with us using the hashtags #PS4Share and #PSBlog. After looking through a treasure trove of submissions, here are this week’s highlights.

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@DeliRicia captured this lush landscape while Chloe swung into action.

Speaking of lush landscapes, @glenlee_92 caught this colorful action shot of our protagonists on the move.

We loved the use of color and negative space in this minimalist shot from @ReinaDeErebor.

@onlyps4gamer shared this quiet moment of wonder from Chloe and Nadine.

Search #PS4Share and #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more stunning entries to this week’s theme.

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Theme: Portraits
Share by: 9am Pacific on Wednesday, March 21

Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week? This time, we’re broadening the theme while bringing things in a bit closer. Share portraits taken from the game of your choice to #PS4share and #PSBlog for a chance to be featured next week.

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Written by blogdottv

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