Reflection 3D Technology is a Canadian company that’s redefining the modern family photograph by turning 360-degree photographs into 3D models.
Family photos may soon be a thing of the past. Because wouldn’t it be nicer to have a 3D print of your loved ones instead? A Canadian 3D printing company called Reflection 3D Technology is making this a reality.
The company is using 360-degree photos to create 3D printed figurines of clients. Turn yourself into a mini action figure, a toy for your kids to play with, or even a replica for your parents to stare at while you’re away.
“Some international students have themselves scanned and then send it back home to their parents,” says Tantan Xie, the founder of the company based in Regina, Canada.
Xie explains that Reflection 3D Technology was inspired by a Finnish 3D printing company that also 3D prints models from photographs.
The finished models are then proudly displayed by family members in their homes using this very modern update on a regular old family photo.
Creating a 3D Model from Photographs
To create a 3D model, the company in Canada uses 89 cameras and 23 projectors to take a 360-degree photo. After capturing the images, they send the image across the border to America for 3D printing.
But that’s not all. You can also live out your unfulfilled dreams in miniature 3D form. It’s possible for your 3D print to be dressed as an action figure or dancer. Admit it,
Apparently, parents have been asking for their 3D printed children to be wearing everything from a superhero costume to a hockey jersey. Pretty cool!
The models are printed on an industrial printer and the results are mind-boggling – especially for grandparents, who aren’t exactly used to this sort of thing.
“For the grandparents … they find out ‘OK, I can now have the grandkids just sitting on the top of my table,’” Xie adds.
And, it might sound a little weird, but it’s not uncommon to receive requests for 3D models of family members or pets who have died. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.
“That’s one of the challenges right now,” Xie explains. “It’s possible, if we’re sending a picture from the past, to create a 3D model … but the outcome or the result won’t be as good as the one where we’re having people come over to do the scan.”
If you’d like to purchase a model, head to the website for their pricing guide. The models range in price from $100 to $300. They also take a while to prepare, so plan ahead if you’d like to surprise a loved one! You still have time to pre-order for Mother’s Day!
Source: CBC
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