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Raspberry Pi retro gaming on Reddit

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reddit was alive with the sound of retro gaming this weekend.

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First out to bat is this lovely minimalist, wall-mounted design built by u/sturnus-vulgaris, who states:

I had planned on making a bar top arcade, but after I built the control panel, I kind of liked the simplicity. I mounted a frame of standard 2×4s cut with a miter saw. Might trim out in black eventually (I have several panels I already purchased), but I do like the look of wood.

Next up, a build with Lego bricks, because who doesn’t love Lego bricks?

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here, so be sure to give them an upvote and leave a comment if, like us, you love Raspberry Pi projects that involve Lego bricks.

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And lastly, this wonderful use of the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3+, proving yet again how versatile the form factor can be.

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be sure to check it out.

What other projects did you see this weekend? Share your links with us in the comments below.

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What do you think?

Written by Maria Richter

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