An illusionist before he was a filmmaker, Méliès discovered and exploited basic camera techniques to transport viewers into magical worlds and zany stories. He saw film and cameras as more than just tools to capture images, he saw them as vehicles to transport and truly immerse people into a story. He played around with stop motion, slow motion, dissolves, fade-outs, superimpositions, and double exposures.
“Méliès was fascinated by new technologies and was constantly on the lookout for new inventions. I imagine he would have been delighted to live in our era, which is so rich with immersive cinema, digital effects, and spectacular images on screen,” says Laurent Manonni, Director of Heritage at The Cinémathèque Française. “I have no doubt he would have been flattered to find himself in the limelight via today’s very first virtual reality / 360° video Google Doodle, propelled around the world thanks to a new medium with boundless magical powers.”
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