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Pico W retro gaming special in The MagPi magazine issue #122

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W

Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi Pico & Pico W 

Our resident retro games expert KG Orphanides has crafted a superb feature for this month’s edition of The MagPi magazine. Discover how to emulate classic computers, hack 1980s hardware, and play retro games on a $6 microcontroller.

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Build a Mini Magic Mirror

Build a Mini Magic Mirror

A magic mirror is one of the timeless Raspberry Pi projects that we’ve given a new spin this month. Using a smaller screen and Raspberry Pi Zero W we’ve created a range of magic mirror projects that you can deploy around the home.

LEGO Submarine 4.0

LEGO Submarine 4.0 

Get underwater with this incredible build. Using LEGO, a syringe, a pressure sensor and a wireless communication board this build can head into (and underneath) the water.

Raspberry Pi Radio: Add a DJ and jingles

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Add a DJ & Jingles to your Raspberry Pi Radio

Sean McManus has built an incredible Raspberry Pi Radio that doesn’t just play songs, it uses Raspberry Pi smarts to create a virtual DJ. The disc jockey uses voice technology to interject and announce tracks, and even plays jingles and stings.

Build a Poltergust G-00

Build your own Poltergust G-00

The MagPi’s very own Rob Zwetsloot has created this incredible 3D-printed ghostbusting vacuum from Luigi’s Mansion 3. This month Rob walks us through the build process.

The Centre for Computing History interview

The Centre for Computing History interview

We talk to the incredible museum located in Cambridge about its wonderful range of classic computers, retro games, and a giant processor that plays Tetris.

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