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Almost exactly two years ago, Twitch launched the “Community MeetUps, Powered by Twitch” program to help Twitch community members connect locally. At launch, there were 20 groups established across Australia, Canada, and the United States. The #bleedpurple spirit that fuels these MeetUps is bigger and better than ever. Since then, we’ve added London to the list, and volunteer organizers have more than doubled the number of cities participating across the globe.
MeetUps recreate some of the best parts of what you’d experience at a convention: IRL friendship, networking with sponsors, gaming, karaoke, and more! It’s like your own little TwitchCon to help keep FOMO away or fight off those post-con blues. With more members of the Twitch community wanting to join the the fun, we’re making it easier to find, join in, and MeetUp. So, starting today, we’re launching MeetUps.twitch.tv.
Without ever having to leave Twitch, you can search for MeetUp groups in your city, register for future events, and get connected with others in your area, all using your Twitch account.
In 2019, we’re connecting with more Twitch users, more often, in more places, and in more meaningful ways, and MeetUps is just one of them. From TwitchCon Europe, to E3 and PAX West, to TwitchCon in San Diego, we hope there’s an opportunity to you to get involved and say HeyGuys!