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Want to catch up on the latest news and updates, get answers from Twitch Developer experts, just say hi, or make some new friends? Join any or all of our live streams!
New show announcement!
TwitchDev Weekly: Every Thursday at 11am PT
Hang out with the Developer Advocacy team, Matt Auerbach and Jon Bulava, every Thursday at 11am PT to ask your Twitch developer questions! We also use this time for special guests and demonstrating new technical content aimed at helping you get started developing on Twitch faster and easier.
Monthly Developer Update: Every 3rd Tuesday at 10am PT
Every third Tuesday of the month, we do an hour-long show catching you up on product announcements and updates, upcoming events, community shoutouts, and anything else going on in the Twitch Developer world.
$ npm start twitchdev-aws: Every Wednesday at 10am PT
- Werbung -
Twitch Developer Advocacy is partnering with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Technical Evangelism to build a Question & Answer Twitch Extension using AWS services during a multi-episode broadcasting series. The series will contain eight broadcasts and walk you through the process of planning to launching a production Extension. The first episode with air on February 27 at 10am PT from the Twitch Studio in San Francisco!
We even have special guest streams like this one, where Jeff Fritz, Program Manager for Microsoft and prolific live coder on Twitch, discussed live streaming software development best practices.
Check it out now!
While we try to maintain the same schedule, some weeks and months are different, so visit our Events page to see what’s coming up and follow our channel for notifications for when we go live!