[Update]: The map is live on PTR for PC right now. If you want to try it out yourself you can jump in and experience it firsthand. Or check out the video above for our own adventures in Rialto. The original story appears below.
Overwatch’s latest map, Rialto, was added as part of the game’s limited time Retribution PvE mode. The arena appears to have proved popular, as developer Blizzard has now added it as a PvP map on the game’s Public Test Realm on PC.
This time round, Rialto is set during the day, rather than night as it is on Retribution. The map is only available for Escort matches right now and will likely come to the main game on PS4, Xbox One and PC soon.
Retribution is live now and runs until April 30. Alongside the PvE mode and returning cosmetics from last year, you can also take part in the returning Uprising PvE mode. Both of these, like the Junkenstein’s Revenge mode released around Halloween, are only available on a limited-time basis because Blizzard doesn’t think they offer the necessary level of long-term depth.
An update was recently released for the live version of Overwatch that nerfed D.Va and buffed Reaper, among other balance changes. D.Va’s damage output has decreased, while Reaper’s Death Blosson now reloads his shotguns after it’s used. His Wraith Form, meanwhile, now grants a 50% speed bonus (up from 25%), and the ability can now be canceled.
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