Omua’s dark blood runs cold through the snow-capped mountains, and trickles with the melted snow across the land where the dragon’s tooth lay. Plagued by the dragon’s curse, she sought respite in the form of revenge – to return the Holy Flame. From her anguish, a new class descends.
Guardian has arrived to Black Desert on Xbox One. She is a fearless warrior – equipped with her shield and axe, Guardian mercilessly crushes her enemies using heavy melee attacks. Using her power, Guardian sets out on a mission to take back the Ynix – the Holy Flame that can even smite the gods.
To return life to Omua, who was slain by the gods, a pact was made with the Black Spirit that possessed her for the power to reclaim the Holy Flame.
A defensive iron wall, she forges on in battle with debilitating attacks:
- Boulder Crush – Strike enemies with three boulder-breaking downward swings of her battle axe.
- Mountain Slam – Send powerful waves of damage by slamming her battle axe to the ground below.
- Black Blood Circle – Create a circle around her by harnessing the power of the earth. Stepping inside spells certain doom for all who challenge her.
- Mutilation – Devastate enemies in a charged sweep with her battle axe.
- Black Blood Slaughter – Unleash her power in an axe swing strong enough to split a mountain.
To claim such power, she made a pact with the Black Spirit, offering herself as a vessel in return for its magnificent power. It is the only way to take back the Ynix – the Holy Flame that can bring even the gods to their knees. With the Ynix she would be unstoppable – condemning all the gods of this world, she would start the world anew.
Guardian, the owner of the Holy Flame and covered in the ancient dragon’s blood, has opened her eyes to her purpose.
Adventurers can now take up the power of the Ynix and wield the power of the Guardian in Black Desert on Xbox One.

In addition, Adventurers can meet Black Desert Prestige Edition in select retail stores on November 6 for Xbox One. The first ever physical package for Black Desert on console, the Prestige Edition comes with the bonus content worth over $140 which includes Exclusive Pet Black Leopard, limited edition glorious Shudad premium set, 30 days value pack, and many more! This will be the perfect chance to get into the world of Black Desert which will be fully compatible with Xbox Series X as well.
See you in the desert, Adventurer.
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