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This New Camera Stabilizer defys the laws of physics!
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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Though it may look fake and unreal and impossible and not allowed on Earth, the camera stabilizer in the video is completely real. You can’t make it shake. It’s like magic decided to defy physics and ignore gravity. All I want to do is park myself in front of a mirror and do as many twists and turns and spins as possible to see if I can get the camera off track. Like this guy.


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MōVI BTS from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.

The rig seems strikingly similar to the Freefly MōVI, a custom-made gimbal and 3-axis gyroscope rig that digitally stabilizes cameras and costs more than $15,000. Worth it for this much fun.

At the pro level, stabilization is the focus of entire companies, like the ubiquitous Steadicam, which provides beastly and expensive equipment to Hollywood, TV, and independent production houses for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Some of cinema’s most famous shots have utilized this type of gear, such as this iconic Goodfellas scene:

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Written by blogdottv