It’s easy! Open up the camera app, switch to AR Stickers mode, choose a sticker pack, and drop them into the scene. You can move, resize and rotate the stickers, and they interact with other characters in the scene. Once you capture a picture or video you can quickly and easily share with friends on social media. AR Stickers are rolling out over the coming days to all Pixel phones running Android 8.1 Oreo. We’ll release more AR Sticker packs in the future, so keep your eyes peeled.
2. Explore the world around you with Google Lens
We recently introduced Google Lens in the Google Assistant on Pixel so you can learn more about the world around you. If you walk past a landmark in a new city or discover a painting in a museum, just open up the Assistant on your Pixel and tap on the Lens button (or simply squeeze the sides of your Pixel 2 phone) to get more information about what you’re looking at.
And with Google Lens in Google Photos, you can now copy important information–like a Wi-Fi password, gift card code, or recipe—from a photo and then paste it somewhere else (such as into a field on a web page, an email, or text message).
3. An even more helpful Assistant
There are new features on your Google Assistant on Pixel too. Now you can broadcast your voice from your Pixel to the Google Home devices around your house. And the Assistant now speaks new languages, including Spanish and Italian.
4. Taking a bite out of the newest version of Oreo
We recently rolled out Android Oreo 8.1, which makes it even faster and easier to get stuff done on your Pixel. SmartSelect recognizes text when you long press, highlights the relevant words, and then recommends a next logical step through a suggested app—for example, it’ll take you to Google Maps if you copy an address. This feature is powered by machine learning, and it can recognize addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and more. Another useful feature in Oreo 8.1 for Pixel users: Wi-Fi speed labels show you how fast nearby networks are.
Your Pixel will keep getting better over time. Stay tuned for new camera experiences and AR sticker packs, new ways to explore the world around you with Google Lens, accessories and a lot more.
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