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Microsoft starts to ban early GTAV gamers

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If somehow you got your hands on Grand Theft Auto V early, by grabbing one from store breaking the ’street date‘ or cough even worse downloading the two-discs online from an underground warez site, then you better think twice of playing it early, as reports are coming in of Microsoft banning not just the console but also the ‚gamertag‘ as well.

- Werbung -

„This console has been banned for violations of terms of service. To protect the Xbox Live service and its members, Microsoft does not provide details about console bans. There is no recourse for terms of service violations.“

Plus Rockstar is of course busy taking down all videos posted on sharing sites like YouTube in regard to early gameplay of GTAV.

„Pre-Release Footage: No pre-release leaked footage of any kind: Any posting of in-game footage from leaked copies of the game prior to its official release date will be taken down, regardless of how the game was obtained. This includes „early unboxing“ videos.“

- Werbung -

Lucky for those owning PlayStation 3 consoles, there is NO reports yet of any PlayStation ‚banhammer‘ action for those with legit blu-ray versions, or the recently leaked Duplex scene release.

The best video yet was the ‚uncensored‘ sex scene action, this has caused the most outcry on the ’net, and good old FoxNews will be covering in-depth on Monday the ‚problem’of GTAV, so stay tuned for that news item, in the meantime check out this one dude’s reaction to it.

- Werbung -

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Written by blogdottv