A movie based on Konami’s Metal Gear games has been in development for many years, and Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts is currently attached to the project. Last month, Vogt-Roberts revealed that the script for the Metal Gear movie was finished, and now we have an update on the progress of the film.
Vogt-Roberts has been celebrating the games‘ 31st anniversary with a series of tweets over the past month, including lots of concept art. He finished with a final video featuring the voice of David Hayter, who has played the role of Solid Snake in the game for 20 years, plus another special guest–the villainous Ocelot. Check it out below:
As the video points out, the landscape for big budget movies has changed over the years, and these days it is driven by sequels, reboots, and big franchises. The comments about how potentially strange a Metal Gear movie might be match those made by Vogt-Roberts when he spoke to GameSpot last month.
„I think it’s one of the best scripts I’ve ever read,“ he said. „It’s one of the coolest, weirdest, most Kojima things. If I wasn’t involved in it, I would still look at that script and [say], ‚Holy shit.'“
The script has been co-written by Jurassic World’s Derek Connelly, who also collaborated with Vogt-Roberts on Skull Island. In August last year, the director told GameSpot that they were re-working the script to make it more in line with what fans might expect.
„I was able to say [to producers at Sony], ‚Let’s really think about whether we’re making the truest, most balls-to-the-wall Metal Gear version of this–the most Kojima version of this,“ he said. „And even if that means we make it for a little bit less money, let’s make the version of this that’s true to what it is, fully committed to what Kojima’s voice is.'“
Kojima left Konami in 2015 after the release of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. He started his own studio and is now working on Death Stranding for PS4. The first trailer for the game was revealed at San Diego Comic-Con in July.
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