When we released Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode One: Awake some weeks ago, it was with the weight of responsibility and not a little trepidation. We had crafted Before the Storm in a way that we felt it could proudly stand next to the first game from 2015, but ultimately it was up to you, the fans, to decide whether we had achieved that aim or not. To see such positive initial impressions from both players and critics was awesome! We loved seeing how much you enjoyed being back in Arcadia Bay while also discovering new areas and finding out more about the person that Chloe Price is and was.
The great thing about episodic games is that the wait in-between releases lets the previous episode sink in and community discussions and theories pop up daily about what has happened (and what does it mean!?) and where the narrative will take us next. We’ve watched, listened, and read your theories over the past few weeks while working on getting Episode Two ready for release; we’d like to give a shout-out to a few of them (Spoiler: If you haven’t played Episode One yet, consider skipping this next paragraph).
Geek Remix is a YouTube channel whose theories during Life is Strange managed to hit the nail on the head with each released episode, so we were naturally intrigued to see what they would come up with for Before the Storm. We particularly enjoyed absorbing their “Arcadia Bay is cursed” theory, and it ties in quite nicely with their “Raven King” theory. Both videos are quite short and easy to take in but do open up many questions… Is the omnipresent Raven a mystical being guiding the destiny of Arcadia Bay? Is it benevolent or evil? Our other community hubs have also churned through some interesting theories. Who is the mysterious woman? Could she have a special connection to the fire and intended for it to happen? Could she be a Prescott!? And what about Rachel? Could she perhaps be the cause of the Storm in season one?
So many questions! We fully hope that Episode Two will help evolve some of these theories as we continue to delve into the history of Chloe and Rachel’s relationship to one another and find out more about the world of Arcadia Bay. Happy gaming and exploring!