If I could do it, anyone can! Not that I’d recommend it. It was a tough journey. Let me share a story about how Robo Revenge Squad came to be.
So this is Robo Revenge Squad. It’s a co-op twin-stick shooter (or brawler, if you choose melee weapons). I made it with a couple of my friends. We had had experience in gamedev, but quite frankly I’d say this is our first project.
It’s a game we wanted to play together. You create your own combat robo out of everyday items and then duke it out in different missions within separate campaigns.
We created a playable version and got some funding, and then we launched it in early access on PC, where we got some cool feedback. Years later, and we finally have the full version, and not just on PC, but on consoles, with gameplay for one to four players!
Our inspirations were many and I can’t pinpoint anything specific. We simply like the retro futuristic style of 1950s’ Americana mixed with sci-fi. You can see some resemblance between the look of the everyday items that make our robos, and 1950s household items as advertised back in the day.
One thing that comes to mind as an obvious inspiration is the style of Pixar movies, especially Wall-E. Sure, we saw it and we loved it, but it wouldn’t be right to say it was a major inspiration for us. Maybe subconsciously.
Anyway, we’re here with a game that has its own charm and soul! It’s our Robo Revenge Squad… which wasn’t always known under this title. It used to be Second Hand: Frankie’s Revenge. Why? Because the combat robos are all named Frankie. We changed it for something with more punch.

Can you quit your job and make a game? You can. It’s gonna be hard. It’s gonna be risky. Is it worth it? Let’s hope so. I really hope you enjoy it, because this is the best any game developer can count on.
Thanks for your time! If you like what you see, check out Robo Revenge Squad on Xbox today.
See ya!

Robo Revenge Squad
Rikodu / Mill Games S.A.
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