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How to make debugging a positive experience for secondary school students

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to change many areas of our lives, with new AI technologies and software having the potential to significantly impact the way programming is taught at schools. In our seminar series this year, we’ve already heard about new AI code generators that can support and motivate young people when learning to code, AI tools that can create personalised Parson’s Problems, and research into how generative AI could improve young people’s understanding of program error messages.

Two teenage girls do coding activities at their laptops in a classroom.

At times, it can seem like everything is being automated with AI. However, there are some parts of learning to program that cannot (and probably should not) be automated, such as understanding errors in code and how to fix them. Manually typing code might not be necessary in the future, but it will still be crucial to understand the code that is being generated and how to improve and develop it. 

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As important as debugging might be for the future of programming, it’s still often the task most disliked by novice programmers. Even if program error messages can be explained in the future or tools like LitterBox can flag bugs in an engaging way, actually fixing the issues involves time, effort, and resilience — which can be hard to come by at the end of a computing lesson in the late afternoon with 30 students crammed into an IT room. 

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Debugging can be challenging in many different ways and it is important to understand why students struggle to be able to support them better.

But what is it about debugging that young people find so hard, even when they’re given enough time to do it? And how can we make debugging a more motivating experience for young people? These are two of the questions that Laurie Gale, a PhD student at the Raspberry Pi Computing Education Research Centre, focused on in our July seminar.

Laurie has spent the past two years talking to teachers and students and developing tools (a visualiser of students’ programming behaviour and PRIMMDebug, a teaching process and tool for debugging) to understand why many secondary school students struggle with debugging. It has quickly become clear through his research that most issues are due to problematic debugging strategies and students’ negative experiences and attitudes.

A photograph of Laurie Gale.
When Laurie Gale started looking into debugging research for his PhD, he noticed that the majority of studies had been with college students, so he decided to change that and find out what would make debugging easier for novice programmers at secondary school.

When students first start learning how to program, they have to remember a vast amount of new information, such as different variables, concepts, and program designs. Utilising this knowledge is often challenging because they’re already busy juggling all the content they’ve previously learnt and the challenges of the programming task at hand. When error messages inevitably appear that are confusing or misunderstood, it can become extremely difficult to debug effectively. 

Program error messages are usually not tailored to the age of the programmers and can be hard to understand and overwhelming for novices.

Given this information overload, students often don’t develop efficient strategies for debugging. When Laurie analysed the debugging efforts of 12- to 14-year-old secondary school students, he noticed some interesting differences between students who were more and less successful at debugging. While successful students generally seemed to make less frequent and more intentional changes, less successful students tinkered frequently with their broken programs, making one- or two-character edits before running the program again. In addition, the less successful students often ran the program soon after beginning the debugging exercise without allowing enough time to actually read the code and understand what it was meant to do. 

The issue with these behaviours was that they often resulted in students adding errors when changing the program, which then compounded and made debugging increasingly difficult with each run. 74% of students also resorted to spamming, pressing ‘run’ again and again without changing anything. This strategy resonated with many of our seminar attendees, who reported doing the same thing after becoming frustrated. 

Educators need to be aware of the negative consequences of students’ exasperating and often overwhelming experiences with debugging, especially if students are less confident in their programming skills to begin with. Even though spending 15 minutes on an exercise shows a remarkable level of tenaciousness and resilience, students’ attitudes to programming — and computing as a whole — can quickly go downhill if their strategies for identifying errors prove ineffective. Debugging becomes a vicious circle: if a student has negative experiences, they are less confident when having to bug-fix again in the future, which can lead to another set of unsuccessful attempts, which can further damage their confidence, and so on. Avoiding this downward spiral is essential. 

Laurie stresses the importance of understanding the cognitive challenges of debugging and using the right tools and techniques to empower students and support them in developing effective strategies.

To make debugging a less cognitively demanding activity, Laurie recommends using a range of tools and strategies in the classroom.

Some ideas of how to improve debugging skills that were mentioned by Laurie and our attendees included:

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  • Using frame-based editing tools for novice programmers because such tools encourage students to focus on logical errors rather than accidental syntax errors, which can distract them from understanding the issues with the program. Teaching debugging should also go hand in hand with understanding programming syntax and using simple language. As one of our attendees put it, “You wouldn’t give novice readers a huge essay and ask them to find errors.”
  • Making error messages more understandable, for example, by explaining them to students using Large Language Models.
  • Teaching systematic debugging processes. There are several different approaches to doing this. One of our participants suggested using the scientific method (forming a hypothesis about what is going wrong, devising an experiment that will provide information to see whether the hypothesis is right, and iterating this process) to methodically understand the program and its bugs. 

Most importantly, debugging should not be a daunting or stressful experience. Everyone in the seminar agreed that creating a positive error culture is essential. 

Teachers in Laurie’s study have stressed the importance of positive debugging experiences.

Some ideas you could explore in your classroom include:

  • Normalising errors: Stress how normal and important program errors are. Everyone encounters them — a professional software developer in our audience said that they spend about half of their time debugging. 
  • Rewarding perseverance: Celebrate the effort, not just the outcome.
  • Modelling how to fix errors: Let your students write buggy programs and attempt to debug them in front of the class.

In a welcoming classroom where students are given support and encouragement, debugging can be a rewarding experience. What may at first appear to be a failure — even a spectacular one — can be embraced as a valuable opportunity for learning. As a teacher in Laurie’s study said, “If something should have gone right and went badly wrong but somebody found something interesting on the way… you celebrate it. Take the fear out of it.” 

Watch the recording of Laurie’s presentation:

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In our current seminar series, we are exploring how to teach programming with and without AI.

Join us at our next seminar on Tuesday, 12 November at 17:00–18:30 GMT to hear Nicholas Gardella (University of Virginia) discuss the effects of using tools like GitHub Copilot on the motivation, workload, emotion, and self-efficacy of novice programmers. To sign up and take part in the seminar, click the button below — we’ll then send you information about joining. We hope to see you there.

The schedule of our upcoming seminars is online. You can catch up on past seminars on our previous seminars and recordings page.

Website: LINK

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Written by Maria Richter

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