We’re excited to announce that the Arduino Cloud now supports Google Home
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! This means you can now interact with your devices, simply through your Google Home Assistant: use voice commands, the Google Home app, or create new routines integrating Arduino solutions.
This new integration expands our ecosystem of compatible applications, which already includes Alexa. The process is similar, making it easy for you to connect your devices in the most natural way: just by talking!
How to use Google Home with Arduino Cloud
1. Program your device
The first step is to create, configure and program your device in a way that it can be connected to Google Home. The process is very straightforward:
1. Create and set up a new Thing, configuring the network and associating a physical device. 2. Define your variables making sure that you choose from the Smart Home compatible ones. For example, if you have connected an LED strip to your board, add a “Colored light” variable.
3. Create the sketch of your application and program your device. 4. Configure your Smart Home Integration and set “Connect to Google Home.”
Your device is now ready to be detected! Every variable will be detected as a new device in Google Home.
2. Detect your device with Google Home
The next step is to enable Google Home to detect and configure your device. For that, follow the instructions below:
1. Wait until the board is connected to your network. 2. Open your Google Home app, go to the Devices tab and click on “Add Device.” 3. Select “Works with Google Home.” 4. Select the “Arduino” action from the list, and follow the instructions to link your Arduino account if requested.
Next, you will be prompted to add your devices (there will be one device per variable). Simply select each device to associate it to a room.
Congratulations! Your device is ready to use with Google Home.
Use your Google Home-compatible speaker or mobile phone
With the Google Home integration, you can now interact with any device connected to the Arduino Cloud using your Google Home-compatible speakers or the Google Home app. You can also include them in your Routines in Google Home Automations to help automate your tasks. Bear in mind that Arduino Cloud is compatible not only with devices based on Arduino or ESP hardware, but also with those programmed using Python, JavaScript or Node-RED.
What projects can you set up with Google Home and Arduino Cloud?
Currently, the supported Google Home sensors are temperature and motion detection, and the supported actionable accessories are light, dimmable light, colored light, smart plug and smart switch. So, with the Arduino Google Home Action, you can turn on the lights in the living room, check the temperature in the bedroom, start the coffee machine, water your plants, find out if your dog is sleeping in the doghouse, and much more.
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The only limit is your imagination. Just try saying…
“Hey Google, turn on the lights in my bedroom.”
“Hey Google, what’s the temperature in the living room?”
“Hey Google, turn on the coffee machine.”
What is Arduino Cloud?
Arduino Cloud is an all-in-one IoT solution that empowers makers to create, monitor and control their devices from anywhere with stunning dashboards and share their projects with anyone.
Start with Arduino Cloud for free
The Google Home integration with the Arduino Cloud is free to use. Make sure you have an Arduino Cloud account and explore our documentation if you want to learn more.
And that’s it. It’s ready to use and it is free. You can explore the premium features for enhanced functionality.