- Fixed an issue where the game would delete your personal Vehicle if you have another player in it when you add a Tracker and Insurance.
- Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on the aerial view when entering GTA Online with cloud servers down and having just launched a mini-game.
- Fixed an issue where the mission ‚Damaged Goods‘ would start even though it had previously been completed.
- Fixed an issue where under rare circumstances players couldn’t claim back their personal vehicle in GTA Online.
- Fixed an issue where under rare circumstances players were able to get the Declasse Sheriff SUV into Los Santos Customs and respray it causing the menus to malfunction.
- Fixed an issue where in rare circumstances players would lose all personal vehicles after being idle kicked and unable to rejoin an online session.
- Fixed an issue where players could occasionally get stuck after killing a pedestrian with a golf ball.
- Corrected an exploit where players would retain their personal vehicle after selling it at Los Santos Customs mod shop by transitioning back and forth between Story Mode and Online.
- Corrected an exploit where players could keep repeatedly selling a Bati 801 to Los Santos Customs.
- Corrected an exploit where players were able to duplicate vehicles by accepting a Mission while leaving a high-end garage.
- Corrected an exploit where a player could start a Team Deathmatch with all players on the same team.
- Players are no longer able to delete their GTA Online character while the Rockstar cloud servers are unavailable.

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