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GTA 5’s leaked Xbox 360 data reveals PC and PS4 build code

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Reading Time: < 1 minute

Nothing has been confirmed, but an alleged Pastebin file containing an XML of the config file for the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto V shows the following (this was spotted at Reddit):

That’s right, you can clearly see PC and „Orbis“ in there. And, if you are wondering why build code for the PC and PS4 versions would be in an Xbox 360 config file, well…

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…A few other games also had similar config files in their SDK with multiple configurations for different platforms, including Borderlands, Unreal Tournament 3 and Star Wars: Battlefront 2 just to name a few. Heck, there are even PS3 and Xbox 360 configuration settings for APB: Reloaded if you bother to look through the data folders.

To better explain this for newbies: Most developers build games around a general code base and configure the game’s specifications per platform within an single config file, as opposed to building new code or separate config files for each and every platform. The only time the code will drastically changed is when a mobile or portable port is involved.

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As for the 360 config file… the different pool sizes you see roughly relates to how much of ‚X‘ will be stored in memory based on platform specifications. Most of every AAA multiplatform game has a file like this to scale texture, draw distance, particle effects or actor data to each platform.

As you’ll notice, there are specifications for the Xbox 360, PC, PS3 and Orbis, or the PlayStation 4 (viz., the Orbis is the name of the PS4’s operating system when working with the dev kit).

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Written by blogdottv