We’re thrilled to announce that for the first time ever, the Kingdom Hearts franchise has arrived on Xbox with Kingdom Hearts III on Xbox One and enhanced for Xbox One X.
Since this might be the very first time some of you will play a Kingdom Hearts game, let’s catch you up on the experience and journey of where we are.
Kingdom Hearts tells a powerful story on how friends can overcome hardship and be supportive of each other through difficult times, and, overall, how people can cross boundaries to come together and spread positivity even within a dark world.
The series follows the journey of Sora, a young boy and unknowing heir to a spectacular power whose world is destroyed by an evil known as the Heartless. Sora teams up with Donald Duck and Goofy, two emissaries sent by King Mickey from Disney Castle, to stop the invading Heartless from overtaking the universe, and to fight the Disney villains working with them, like Maleficent, Pete, and Hades.
Straddling the realms of light and darkness, the heroes of Kingdom Hearts join to overcome the Heartless and other evil forces using the power of positivity and friendship in an incredible adventure. We head into Kingdom Hearts III with the darkness nearly vanquished, when the heroes of Kingdom Hearts receive a letter from King Mickey for their final quest to overcome the villainous powers.
As you ready your Keyblades to jump into Kingdom Hearts III, you’ll embark on an adventure across new worlds from iconic Walt Disney Animation Studios films like “Frozen,” “Tangled,” and “Big Hero 6,” as well as from Pixar Animation Studios films including “Toy Story,” “Monsters, Inc.,” and more. In addition, there are many new and exciting features, including powerful new Keyblade abilities and animations, attractions inspired by Disney’s theme park rides, and a wide array of customization options for the Gummi Ship, your vehicle of transport between each world.
Before you dive into the world of Kingdom Hearts III, we wanted to share 5 quick tips and tricks to help on your upcoming adventure:
- If there’s anything you need to know to get a head start, try the GummiPhone that has a glossary of information including characters and enemies. Watching the Memory Archive videos are also a good way to get the basics of the story up to this point.
- Don’t forget to check your abilities now and then! When leveling up, you will get access to some helpful abilities that can make the game easier, flashier or both!
- Switch between the different Keyblades and find the one that matches your playstyle!
- Be sure to stock up on tents to restore health, magic and focus between battles!
- Finally, have fun and explore every corner you can reach. Whether that’s the treasures, minigames, special conversations; you’ll never know what you’ll find!
We look forward to hearing about your adventures in Kingdom Hearts III as you discover some of the incredible new worlds from Disney and Pixar films and build powerful friendships with beloved characters. From our heart to yours, we hope you enjoy your time with Kingdom Hearts III!
Kingdom Hearts III is now available on Xbox One and is an Xbox One X Enhanced title. Click here for purchase details.
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