Whew. That’s a deep one. Let’s see. I have a few. I remember the first time I ever played Half-Life. I was in an office at the time that had a ton of PCs setup in a row, and I installed it one afternoon. I loaded up the start of the game and as more people saw me playing it, a crowd started forming around the monitor because it was unlike anything we had ever seen at the time.
Then there’s Project Gotham Racing on the OG Xbox. Just putting that disc in and listening to the intro music kick in while watching the tracks go by was bliss. A fantastic memory of that opening with the jump in fidelity from my N64 to the Xbox.
More recently, I was really impressed with Hades all around. Stylistically, musically, gameplay, Supergiant was firing on all cylinders for that one. I still play it every once in a while because it’s so good.
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