Pressekonferenz gamescom 2016, Dr. Maximilian Schenk, Geschäftsführer des BIU, The View, Kennedy- Ufer
GDC – Game Developers Conference 2016
Stand: Halle 2.2
GDC – Game Developers Conference 2016
Stand: Turkey, Halle 3.2,
Stand: Konami, Halle 8
Stand: 2K, Halle 4.2
Eröffnungsrundgang gamescom 2016
Eröffnungsrundgang gamescom 2016
Stand: gameforge, Halle 2.2
Hallendurchblick, Halle 3.2
Stand: UBI Gamescom, Halle 4.2
Stand: Nintendo, Business Area, Halle 4.2
Eröffnung gamescom 2016, social media stage, Halle 10.1
Stand: Bandai Namco, Halle 8
GDC – Game Developers Conference 2016
COLOGNE, GERMANY – AUGUST 17: Henriette Reker during the Gamescom 2016 gaming trade fair during the media day on August 17, 2015 in Cologne, Germany. Gamescom is the world’s largest digital gaming trade fair and will be open to the public from August 18-22. (Photo by Mathis Wienand/Getty Images for BIU) *** Local Caption *** Henriette Reker
Impressionen Business Area, Stand: Nintendo, Fotoshooting, gamescom 2016, Halle 4.2
Pressekonferenz gamescom 2016, Gerald Böse, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung
Stand: Laboratorio Comunicazione, Halle 3.2
GDC – Game Developers Conference 2016
Stand: Giants, Halle 8
Eröffnungsrundgang gamescom 2016
Impressionen Business Area, Stand: X-Box, Fotoshooting, gamescom 2016
Stand: Oculus, Halle 9
Impressionen Business Area, Fotoshooting, gamescom 2016, Halle 4.1
Stand: X-Box, Halle 8
gamescom 2016, Pressekonferenz in Berlin
Stand: Medienland NRW, Halle 3.2
Stand: EA, Halle 6
Eröffnungsrundgang gamescom 2016
Stand: Nintendo, Halle 9
GDC – Game Developers Conference 2016
COLOGNE, GERMANY – AUGUST 17: Henriette Reker, Maximilian Schenk and Garrelt Duin during the Gamescom 2016 gaming trade fair during the media day on August 17, 2015 in Cologne, Germany. Gamescom is the world’s largest digital gaming trade fair and will be open to the public from August 18-22. (Photo by Mathis Wienand/Getty Images for BIU) *** Local Caption *** Henriette Reker, Maximilian Schenk, Garrelt Duin