Sad news this week with the closure of 3D printer manufacturer New Matter. Ahead of shuttering some time this summer, the company is clearing house with a fire sale of all its products, including filament.
It never a nice thing to see a company that puts real, tangible 3D printing products in peoples hands close down. And the shuttering of New Matter is no exception.
But, from New Matter’s misfortune comes the opportunity for bargain-hunting makers to snap up the company’s leftover stock of filament. Until stocks run out, New Matter’s Bold and Pearl color filaments are discounted down from USD $19.99 and $29.99 to just $7.49.
In addition, print surface plates for the company’s Mod-T 3D printer are cut-price at $4.99, down from $14.99. If you’re an owner of the machine, now would be the time to stock up and help prolong the life of your printer.
Deal: New Matter filament, 63-75% off (now $7.49)
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