Last week saw Final Fantasy’s Behemoth cross over into Monster Hunter World, and now a monster from Capcom’s series has invaded the world of Eorzea. The fearsome Rathalos arrives as part of Final Fantasy 14’s big 4.36 patch, which introduces an assortment of Monster Hunter-inspired content, along with a new area to explore in the Forbidden Land of Eureka, to the MMO.
Rathalos is the target of „The New King on the Block,“ a quest available to players who have reached level 70 and completed Stormblood’s main campaign. If you meet those prerequisites, you can accept the mission by speaking to the hearty hunter found in Kugane.
The questline culminates in an eight-player battle against the dragon, which Square Enix says also „incorporates mechanics inspired by Monster Hunter World.“ Once Rathalos has been defeated, players can take on an even more challenging version of the fight that lowers the player count to four and introduces „additional hurdles to overcome.“

Players who slay the Rathalos will be rewarded with a handful of Monster Hunter-inspired items, including a set of Rathalos armor, as well as a Rathalos mount. Players will also be able to get Poogie and Palico minions, Monster Hunter Orchestrion rolls, and BBQ Spit outdoor and indoor furnishings. You can read more details about the quest and rewards on Final Fantasy 14’s website.
In addition to the Monster Hunter content, patch 4.36 adds a new area to the Forbidden Land of Eureka called Pagos. In order to travel to the new area, players will first need to have completed the Anemos story. Once that condition has been met, they can head to Pagos by speaking to Rodney near Pier #1 in Kugane.
Beyond the new 4.36 content, Final Fantasy players also have the Moonfire Faire to look forward to soon. The annual summer event returns next week beginning August 13 and features an assortment of new and old event-exclusive items to obtain. This year’s Moonfire Faire runs until 7:59 PM PT / 10:59 PM ET on Sunday, August 26.
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