Explore the backyard and beyond with this FPV RC vehicle
September 14th, 2020
If you want to build your own first-person view RC rover for some backyard exploration, this design by “MoreMorris” is a great place to start.
The tank-esque vehicle features a 3D-printed frame, including print-in-place tracks, and is able to traverse rough terrain as seen in the video below. Meanwhile, a servo-mounted FPV camera on top allows it to look left and right without swinging the body around.

Inside the vehicle, an Arduino Uno board controls its two motors with the help of an L298N driver module. User interface consists of a Nano-based remote, while communication is handled via a pair of nRF21L01 radio transceivers.
Plenty of additional project info is available in MoreMorris’s write-up.
Website: LINK