Over the years we’ve seen all sorts of creators and viewers connect through Twitch. After all, one of the things that makes Twitch unique is the back and forth between streamer and viewer. Tuning in to watch and chat with a favorite creator is always appreciated, but some viewers also Cheer with Bits or share amazing clips with the world. Those viewers deserve to be recognized by creators and their communities, so today, we’re upping the ante for those who go above and beyond. This one is for the fans.
Make room for Clip Champs, rolling out today, and Top Cheerers, coming soonTM. Also, try saying that first part five times fast.
Clip Champs is a new way to recognize top clippers who consistently create and share quality clips of their favorite creators.
Viewers who create clips for a specific channel across four distinct weeks and have over 50 combined views on those clips will receive the exclusive “Clip Champ” chat badge. Clip Champs will also have their status appear on other parts of Twitch where clips are found, such as on clips viewing pages and clips tabs of a channel or game page. For more details on Clip Champs and how to become one, check out our help article. At launch, those who qualify as a Clip Champ based on their clipping history in December and January will be notified of their Clip Champ status.

Maybe Cheering is more your style? Top Cheerers, as you may have guessed from the very obvious name, is a pinned leaderboard that displays the top three Cheerers in the channel at the top of chat. The leaderboard can also be expanded to show the top 10 Cheerers, as well as your current position.

Viewers that Cheer enough to make it to the top 3 will unlock access to special chat badges. Behold!

Top Cheerers is launching at the end of this month, so stay tuned.
Lastly, we’ve got something for those of you who have Cheered the loudest. We’re introducing these 10 beautiful new Bits badges for all of you who have Cheered above 1 million Bits. You’ll start seeing these badges appear at the end of this month.

However you support your favorite creators, thank you for being a part of the community. Wear those badges with pride, and we’ll see you on the leaderboards.
How can I track my progress toward becoming a Clip Champ?
We are currently actively exploring ways to provide viewers with a simple method for tracking their progress toward becoming a Clip Champ. In the meantime, viewers can use the Clips Manager to see the number of views for their clips.
I’m a Twitch creator. What are the benefits of having Clip Champs for my channel?
Clips is a simple way for any viewer to help your channel grow by reaching and engaging audiences with short, bite-sized videos that showcase exciting, interesting moments from a creator’s content. Clip Champs are viewers who consistently create and share engaging clips, so the more Clip Champs are a part of your community, the more viewers you have who can support you by curating the best of your content to new and existing audiences.
How often does Clip Champs status reset?
Clip Champs statuses reset monthly. Users are notified of achieving Clip Champ status on the first of the month, and the status lasts until the end of that month.
If I make one of the top 3 spots for Top Cheerers and unlock a badge, how long do I get to keep it?
If you unlock a Top Cheerer badge, you keep it for as long as you keep that ranking. If you are in the #1 spot and someone overtakes you, they will get the #1 badge right away, and you will then have the #2 badge until and unless someone overtakes you in the #2 spot. If the creator has Top Cheerers set to “Weekly,” the leaderboard resets every 7 days at which point all 3 badges disappear until someone Cheers enough to take one of the top 3 spots.
Once Top Cheerers launches, what happens to Pinned Cheers (Pin Top Cheer and Pin Recent Cheer)?
Top Cheerers replaces Pin Top Cheer, making it possible to recognize many more Cheerers rather than just one. Pin Top Cheer will no longer be available. Pin Recent Cheer will still be available and will work the same as before.
As a Partner or Affiliate, can I reset Top Cheerers at any time?
If you have Top Cheerers set to “Weekly,” it will automatically reset every 7 days. If you have it set to “All-Time” to show the top Cheerers of all time, there is no reset.
If someone is banned from my channel, can they still show up in Top Cheerers?
No. Viewers that have been banned will not show up in Top Cheerers.
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