The Vex have attacked and, for the first time in humanity’s history, the Sun did not rise.
Trapped in this endless night by an unknown Vex simulation, the Vanguard have focused their gaze on an unlikely ally – one who can hopefully guide Guardians in their response to the Vex incursion. That ally is Mithrax, Kell of the House of Light.
In addition to being a Kell who leads a small group of Eliksni refugees, Mithrax is also one of the last Sacred Splicers. A rare group who have mastered the ability to commune with machines, see the Light within the code, and even manipulate it.
In exchange for his help, he only asks for one thing: Access to the City for him and his followers who wish to be closer to their god, The Traveler. Ikora dispatches Guardians to meet with Mithrax on Europa, broker the alliance, and embark on a journey into the unknown.
Welcome to Season of the Splicer.

Crash the Network
We’re excited for players to harness Splicer technology and adventure through the new synthetic landscape created for this Season. It’s unlike anything we’ve done before and we think the Season’s tone and aesthetic will really resonate with old and new players alike.
To crack the mystery that kicks off the Season, players will have to find answers in the heart of the Vex Network. Although built in a coded and mysterious language, Mithrax will teach players to traverse the Network and use their power to crash it from the inside. These expeditions into the Network take place in two new Seasonal activities: Override and Expunge.
Override: This is the new six-player matchmade offensive that challenges players to infiltrate the Vex Network, steal their code, and use it against them. Starting on Europa, multiple destinations will unlock throughout the Season.
Expunge: This is a new pinnacle activity for one to three players. Each week, players will embark on missions to expose vulnerabilities within the Vex Network. This mission is altered every week as the Seasonal story unfolds.

Upgrade Your Tech
Upon meeting with Mithrax, Guardians will receive a Splicer Gauntlet that will allow them to absorb Ether, secure Splicer upgrades, and unlock chests. There’s also a new space in the H.E.L.M. that players can visit to plan their attack, take on challenges, and claim rewards.
There are also over 30 new and reprised weapons to collect, new Exotic armor pieces for each class, and 100+ Seasonal ranks to unlock.
Season Pass holders will also instantly unlock an Exotic Stasis Sidearm that charges up liquid cooling coils with every shot. Once powered up, the next charged shot freezes the target in Stasis.

Assault the Vault
Get those calendars updated because on May 22, Vault of Glass returns.
The first raid ever released in the Destiny franchise is making its Destiny 2 debut. Faithful to the original, it’s been revamped and is ready to challenge veterans and new players alike. Upgraded to make the most of the new sandbox technology, the fan-favorite raid makes its return… absolutely free for all players.
As with every Destiny 2 raid, the joy of triumphing over the most challenging encounters in the game is only part of the reward. The rest are rewards players can wear (in-game and in real life). In addition to the Vex Mythoclast Exotic Fusion Rifle, there are stunning weapons and armor to collect, and new Bungie Rewards to unlock like the Vault of Glass raid jacket and ring.
Tune in to the World First race, get your fireteam ready, and fight your way through the Vault. Atheon, Time’s Conflux, awaits.

Leave a Lasting Impression
Customizing our Guardians has always been core to Destiny 2. Coming up with distinct looks for each subclass or playing off an Exotic we’re using, it’s a cool way to show off your character’s individuality and leave a lasting impression with the people you meet in game.
And even though the fashion scene has been alive and well, Season of the Splicer will introduce players to a new Guardian Appearance system that takes customization to the next level. Coupled with changes to the shaders and the introduction of Armor Synthesis, the tools to craft a Guardian’s style have never been more powerful.
Guardian Appearance
Previously, players would interact with their Guardian’s look from the main character screen – clicking into each individual armor piece to inspect it and alter its appearance with shaders and Universal Ornaments. Those days are gone.
Now there’s a new screen devoted to customizing your Guardian’s look. Access your entire set of armor from one screen with information about your current shaders and ornaments available at a glance. Think of it like a dressing room for your Guardian.
This powerful and flexible new system means it’s never been easier to manage all the armor and shaders in your collection. And your collection is about to get a lot more impressive…
Armor Synthesis
Ever see a piece of armor and wish you could use it like a Universal Ornament – applying its look to the armor you’re wearing? Well, now you can.
With the help of Ada-1, Guardians can forge new Universal Ornaments from most of the armor in Destiny 2 using Synthweave, a new currency available from playing a variety of activities. There’s also bonus Synthweave everyone can grab for free by playing through the Armor Synthesis introductory questline.

Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades
Before Season of the Splicer, shaders were individual items in your inventory that players would have to manage. Run out of a shader? There was a different Collections area where players could purchase whichever shader they wanted for Glimmer and/or Legendary Shards. This purchased shader would then be added to your inventory to be used.
Starting this Season, this process has been massively streamlined. Now, shaders are now permanent unlocks that can be applied to any item for 500 Glimmer from a single screen. Players simply click the shader they want from their Guardian Appearance menu and voila, style points +1.
To celebrate this change and help everyone dress for success, we’re adding a bundle to Eververse for Glimmer (not Silver) that contains a bunch of shaders from the early days which players may have missed.

Season of the Splicer Starts Today
Running from May 11 to August 24, there’s more going on that I didn’t get a chance to speak about, including the Solstice of Heroes free event. And remember that if you picked up Season of the Chosen, the Battlegrounds activity is still available in the H.E.L.M. for the rest of the year.
Check out the full calendar, message your fireteam, and plan your Season. Destiny 2 is free to play, and all its expansions are available on Xbox Games Pass. I hope you join us as we virtually flip synthwave tables throughout the Vex Network all Season long.
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