It’s never too early to start learning the basics of making: the latest Humble Book Bundle features a plethora of introductory book for learning hardware hacking, Arduino, electronics, JavaScript and more, all from No Starch Press.
The folks at Humble Bundle have done it again. This time piecing together a cracking assortment of maker-geared books, the proceeds of which will benefit the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
This time in the pay what you want Humble Book Bundle we see titles from No Starch Press covering Python, general computer science, electricity (via the eclectic medium of manga!), JavaScript, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and more.
An array of 22 hands-on guides for kids and adults alike, these DRM-free digital books give the fundamentals to pick and and run with hardware hacking and all manner of making.
As ever, getting access to the full 22 titles means stumping up enough — Humble Bundle operates on a tier basis, with a minimum donation of $1 unlocking access to 7 of the books. The rest are unlockable after the $8, $15 and $20 marks.
The Makerspace Humble Book Bundle is available until 8pm CET April 9, 2018.
Deal: Makerspace by No Starch Press Humble Book Bundle, pay what you want
Visit our Deals page for more.
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