MatterHackers is running a limited-time deal on MakerGear’s two top-tier 3D printers, the M3-SE and M3-ID, both $200 off at $2,350 and $3,099 respectively.
MakerGear are enjoying something of a hot run of late, what with the US company’s M2 sitting top of the desktop pile in 3D Hub’s Q1 2018 3D printing trend report.
But, despite the M2’s popularity, there are newer and arguably greater machines. An incremental upgrade over the M2, the M3-SE (single extrusion) adds WiFi connectivity, an inbuilt Raspberry Pi running a MakerGear-ified version of OctoPrint and sophisticated bed leveling process to the already winning formula found in the M2.
Further than this, there is also the M3-ID, which boasts the surprisingly rare party trick of an independent dual extrusion system on top of all of the above.
MatterHackers is running a special on the two, knocking $200 off the M3-SE and M3-ID list prices. If you’re interested, better act fast. The promo ends February 26th, 2018.
DEAL: MakerGear M3-SE 3D printer, 8% off at $2,350
DEAL: MakerGear M3-ID independent dual extrusion 3D printer, 6% off at $3,099
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