Offering a technological overview of 3D printing and the beats to build your own RepRap, this entry in the “For Dummies” series is almost half-off on Amazon.com.
The internet is great and all, but it’ll never quite edge out the printed word as an experiential way to learn. Who doesn’t love the feel of a wodge of dead tree between their fingers and the faint whiff of glue and ink?
Authored by Richard ‘RichRap’ Horne (he of current MasterSpool fame) and Kalani Kirk Hausman, 3D Printing for Dummies gives a broad overview of the main 3D printing technologies in use today, plus how to source objects for 3D printing and even assemble your own RepRap 3D printer. Originally published in 2013, a second edition hit the shelves in May of 2017. This deal pertains to the latter publication.
For the traditionalists among you with bookshelves to fill, it could be just the thing for some light and informative reading. At the time of us hitting our big red “publish now” button on this post, it can be picked up for $15.58 on Amazon.com — a 48% saving over the list price of $29.99.
Deal: 3D Printing for Dummies, $15.58 on Amazon.com
Find more deals over on our Deals page.
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